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My basic issue is that I need to use the trigger times and days I configured in the %% time header later in my scene code.

A few devices (such as dimmable lighting) require more than 2 icons (up to 11 icons).

Toute l’activité Rechercher Plus .

Social media icons. Did some rework on Fibaro and Aeon sensors icons and few others Great work. This Topic Downloading icons from FIBARO Forum Log in to FIBARO Forum.

(Français) Lorsque l'on installe un système domotique chez soi, l'un des points à ne pas négliger pour que ce système soit accepté par les résidents de votre foyer, est l'interface de pilotage et de contrôle. Now devices can be used from within the Fibaro app and even original Hue scenes that I used a lot are now completely controlled from within Fibaro. 50 icons. HC3 5.031.33 - HC2 4.590 - HC2 4.590 - HCLite 4.590 Thank you Sankotronic!

Most devices require 2 icons (on/off, open/closed, locked,unlocked, etc.). 50 icons. Works great.

Support topics are created automatically here Icons Report topics and files that are no longer supported by authors. Much respect. You can use your own icons (128x128) and make your FIBARO Home Center even more personal. 380 icons.

De par mes connaissances très, très limitées en domotique z-wave (je suis un newbie de chez newbie!

Types of files accepted: ZIP, RAR, TAR, PNG (When adding only one icon). At first glance I thought using this scene was beyond me, but after downloading it and asking Cag014 questions of which he answered quickly and expertly, I have transferred 90% of my scenes into AOS and it works seamlessly. And for people who are stat hungry like me. Go to the DOWNLOADS tab.

Would recommend everyone use this! Excellent addon which makes your view bigger and richer. Great work, just a few recent bugs - easy set up..

Delete filters; Essential Set. The category contains icons submitted by users.

Mac Windows HC2 ToolKit Fonctions LUA Plus . Click a Search toolbar on the right side. ), je veux malgré tout apporter ma pierre à l'édifice sur ce forum de passionnés en créant quelques icons un peu plus sympas que ceux d'origines... je ne dis pas que j'y arriverais mais bon je peux toujours essayer! I do find that the site where the stats come from a bit delayed in updating to the most up to date stats compared to sky news and other sources and is no way related to the developer of this well written VD. Mais y'a pas d'urgence One question regarding the substitution of values from fibaro globals, if I may: how would you store a time like 10:00 in a global variable? Here are some refreshed icons for Aeon multisensor 6 Gen5 Registration is a simple free process that requires minimal information for you to sign up. Better than 3 separate devices, just 1 VD to control everything Thank you very much for contributing to Fibaro community. Fantastic! je ne suis certainement pas le seul à  déplorer la "qualité" douteuse et la manque de diversité de certains icons (les zones) de notre interface préférée. Lightning icons, also dimmers... custom made

Excellent work.

Countrys Flags. * Icones Niveau de la maison : un pack à créer ? And after al the work there above, makes it available for free. 262 icons.

Appli Mobile . I have 21" screen and now I can utilize the full advantage of that. Here are some icons for Aeon mutisensor gen 5 ECommerce. Say, I want to send a push notification warning 5 minutes before scheduled reboot t

Download the complete pack or add the icons you need to your collection. Fantastic tool to view the lua output on a big screen f.e. That one is however heavily outdated.

50 icons. You have to register in order to view all content and post in our community. ), je veux malgré tout apporter ma pierre à  l'édifice sur ce forum de passionnés en créant quelques icons un peu plus sympas que ceux d'origines... je ne dis pas que j'y arriverais mais bon je peux toujours essayer! Multimedia Collection.

as you can notice parts of Smart Home Forum by FIBARO is not available for you. Business Avatars. Downloading and submission terms have to be accepted. Creative Process. Business. Awesome feature... exactly what I was looking for to restart my HC2 on a regular basis! Don't make your icons too dark (or they will not display well within Fibaro). Fibaro does not accept the : character!?

Don't worry!

ROBBshop has a large collection of icons that we can sent to you on request. De par mes connaissances très, très limitées en domotique z-wave (je suis un newbie de chez newbie! Thanks a lot for the huge work. Android IOS Appli Tablette . I have struggled quite some time with the Hue plugin in the Fibaro marketplace. Here are original weather state icons extracted and adapted from Home Center: Android IOS Fibaro Finder . Plus. Here are some icons for Sonos multi-room speakers and TTS … Types of files accepted: ZIP, RAR, TAR, PNG (When adding only one icon). Unbelievable one man can build this.

Dernière édition par aurel le 19 Mars 2014, 08:56, édité 8 fois. bonne customisation !!

The FIBARO system offers a great user interface, mainly because of their grafical interface. Social Network Logo Collection.
Type “icon” and in SEARCH IN section click More options and then select Files and click the magnifier icon. Activité. Le drive laisse la place a un blog:domo-blog.fr ou vous retrouvez mes packs d'icônes dans la section "icones" ainsi que des tutos sur notre box domotique préféré.